Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Use the non-aggression principle in debate.

How can we expect people to live by the non-aggression principle if we don't?  Have you ever been converted to a way of thinking by being talked down to?

Being aggressive and talking down to people gets you no converts.  Being condescending towards people does not wake them up.  It makes them defensive and doesn't represent your ideas as ideas that are positive.  You want people to think your ideas are beneficial to ones life and create a sense of peace and understanding.  The best way to convert people to your ideas is to lead by example. You need to live by and debate with your principles.  If they see you living a happy, carefree, peaceful life that will make them wonder what your outlook is on life and you'll have an opportunity to tell them. If that example is an angry, mean aggressive one people will not want to start thinking and living like you. No one sees a frothing at the mouth person yelling obscenities and oozing a lack of piece of mind and thinks to themselves "Gee, I wonder how I too can become such a raving lunatic and make everyone around me feel they need to wear a bullet proof vest to protect them from my words." You end up coming off the way some Christians do when they preach one thing and live another way. If you're trying to get people to live by the non-aggression principle you should probably start by not being aggressive and calling people stupid, brainwashed, zombie sheeple... just saying.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are spot on in every point. I have made all of these mistakes before and I know I have ended arguments to no one's satisfaction. Thanks, Mistress Voluntaryist!


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