Sunday, March 31, 2013

The so-called gay agenda

If they make gay marriage legal there WILL be some dumb ass activist types who will sue a church who won't perform the marriage for them. As much as most of us gays will cringe and not agree with what they're doing, they will do it. It's those type of actions that give us a bad name and make people use that dumb ass term "gay agenda". There is no gay agenda for 95% of us except to be free. That other stupid vocal minority will mess it up for the rest of us though. They no more represent us than the people who think you should blow up abortion clinics represent all Christians.THIS is why we can't have nice things.
Most of us don't want to be married by a church at all, much less one that thinks we're going to hell. There are plenty of churches, I'd even go out on a limb and say a majority, that will marry us with no issue. There's no need to force our opinions on them anymore than we want them forcing theirs on us. Tolerance and acceptance are two different things. You don't have to accept me, but you do have to tolerate me.
This is why getting the government out of the marriage business all together is the best solution. You shouldn't need a license to love.

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