Monday, August 5, 2013

Thank you gangster government!

I don't understand how you justify the government forcibly taking your money at the barrel of a gun (armed robbery)  with the threat of putting you in jail (kidnapping and caging), by saying its ok because if and when this theft makes you poor enough that they deem you qualified (after much paperwork, red tape, and bureaucracy) they will give you a small percentage of what they stole from you back(with strings attached of course) as long as you spend it on what they allow you to spend it on.

What is wrong with you people?! How does that even make sense? !
Thank you Mr. Thug Gangster with a fancy government title and a badge for promising to maybe, if you deem me worthy, give me some of my property back after you stole it from me as long as I spend it on what you in your infinite wisdom decided I should spend it on. What would I do without you?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The so-called gay agenda

If they make gay marriage legal there WILL be some dumb ass activist types who will sue a church who won't perform the marriage for them. As much as most of us gays will cringe and not agree with what they're doing, they will do it. It's those type of actions that give us a bad name and make people use that dumb ass term "gay agenda". There is no gay agenda for 95% of us except to be free. That other stupid vocal minority will mess it up for the rest of us though. They no more represent us than the people who think you should blow up abortion clinics represent all Christians.THIS is why we can't have nice things.
Most of us don't want to be married by a church at all, much less one that thinks we're going to hell. There are plenty of churches, I'd even go out on a limb and say a majority, that will marry us with no issue. There's no need to force our opinions on them anymore than we want them forcing theirs on us. Tolerance and acceptance are two different things. You don't have to accept me, but you do have to tolerate me.
This is why getting the government out of the marriage business all together is the best solution. You shouldn't need a license to love.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pick your budget cuts wisely

Don't tell me you're worried about the deficit and then start your cuts with benefits for poor people and people actually in need which is a tiny fraction of where the taxes go. This is where the establishment assholes like Paul Ryan lose me. This is where they lose most people. 
Here's a novel idea..... If you REALLY wanna get us out of debt cut something worth cutting, not food stamps, SS, medicaid and medicare, schools, unemployment, and benefits for veterans.
GTFO with that shit.... seriously.  Then while you're at it how about corporate welfare and tax loopholes for big business and the rich.  How about we start there.
OOHHHHhhhh.... then there's the interest we pay the federal reserve on OUR OWN money.  Every penny of tax revenue every year only goes to paying down the interest on "our" "debt" to the federal reserve. That's like only paying the minimum on your credit card bill every month as the shit goes up and up.
Start using common sense and some empathy when you lay out budget cuts and MAYBE people would be willing to deal with it.... advocate it even.

All men are potential rapists

You can't think women shouldn't get drunk with men or be alone with men they don't know (which by the way is a fucking date) because its dangerous and she should assume all men could rape her so she holds some responsibility in being raped.... AND get mad because all men are treated as potential rapists and call it sexist. I mean you CAN think both of those things but that's called cognitive dissonance. Look it up. You can't have it both ways. Don't tell us its dangerous to be around men just because we're women and then complain when you think all men are being called potential rapists. Roll that one around for a minute. It's called logic.

The straight-guys guide to bagging lesbians (by a lesbian)

Dudes don't seem to get it when you tell them you're gay.  They're all  "YAY!".  It makes not a drop of sense. 
I'd like to know how they'd respond if a gay dude hit on them and when they told him they were straight he said "YAY!  I love straight boys. Maybe you just haven't had your dick sucked by the right guy."  ....They'd knock the guy out!  But yet I have to deal with this shit CONSTANTLY with a smile.  I have had numerous guys say the EXACT same thing I quoted to me.  They all think they're being original too.  I'll lay a few out for you, guys, so you don't embarrass yourself with any of this stupidity and lose a really cool girl FRIEND because you think you're funny or somehow different or gonna flip them.
"That's because you haven't had THIS dick."
"Who hurt you girl?  Not all men are bad."
"COOL!  I'm a lesbian too."  (which by the way IS possible but it would mean that you are a woman trapped in a mans body and you don't want a penis, you want a vagina and boobs and want surgery to correct it.  So this one makes you look EXTRA dumb.)
"You just need the right man."
"Can I watch?"
"Will you have a threesome with me and my girl?"
"I know a gay chick.  I'll hook you up."  ( this one isn't a pick up line but it's stupid so I had to add it. Just because I'm gay it doesn't mean I'll like your gay friend.  If I came up to you and said "I have a straight friend.  I"m gonna hook you guys up."  It would sound awfully silly to assume you would want to date my friend for no other reason than she liked guys and you liked girls.)
"That's sexy as shit.  I love lesbians."
"We have something in common.  I like girls too."
"I lick pussy real good."
" I know how a clit works."
"I"m not like typical men."
"Are you sure?"
"You're not just a little bi?"
"How do you know you're gay if you've never been with a man?" (How do YOU know you're not gay if you've never been with a man?.... yea, it's kinda like that.)
"Well if you ever DO go straight, can I be the guy you pick?"
...and this isn't a quote but it's the creepiest thing of all.... When you just stare at us with your mouths open with drool coming off your lip when we're with our girlfriends.... or worse ask us to kiss. Or the WORST, bring us some drunk girl if we're alone like she's a present and you're doing us a favor, and try to get us to make out with some sloppy "bi" girl who wants to kiss another girl to turn on guys.


I could keep going but you get my drift.  It's sad, annoying, pathetic, infuriating, lame, and does NOT make you look cool or give you any points in our book.  As a matter of fact it's a HUGE turn off (and not in a sexual way.  We're already not turned on by men) in a friendship way.  You will lose a cool chick friend who can learn a TON from. We make great wing-women. If you just accept us as friends we will be like the "woman whisperer" for you.  We can interpret and help with your relationship issues AND teach you how to work a pussy like no man could know on his own. 

So in conclusion, BOYS, the best way to bag a lesbian is to bag her as a FRIEND and let her tell you all the secrets of womanly things.  Let her help you perfect your game.  You won't regret it.  You're welcome.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Give a man a fish

Give a a man a fish and give him wrong directions and put obstacles in his way so he can't get back to the pond and demand he get a license he can't afford if he wants his own fishing pole and if he DOES manage to catch his own fish make sure you take 1/3 of them. Then the man will be forced to come to you if he ever wants fish again.  Then you own the fish AND the man.

This is how people get stuck in the welfare trap.  It's not about being lazy.  They deliberately make it hard to get back on your feet.  They make it so it's more beneficial to stay dependent.  Modern day slavery.  If someone is completely dependent on you you'll have a supporter and a voter for life.  It keeps people complacent and docile.  They don't complain about the government for fear of rocking the boat. They don't want you to be independent.  They don't want you to be free or enjoy any level of real liberty. It's learned helplessness... yes.  But remember: Some one had to teach it.  They also had to have a reason for it.  Here is your real problem.  Not the people ON welfare.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

From "The Great Work" to "The Great Hobby"

Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson are where I started at with my whole "journey" when I was about 12 when I read the Illuminatus Trilogy for the first time.  I fell in love.  Then I read the satanic Bible and that steered me to Crowley.  All this was before the internet when I had to order books from the publisher and go to the library and the book stores.  There were no Barnes and Nobles or Borders either so there were no mega book stores where you could find everything you wanted or have them order it.  I mainly would find things to read through quotes and references in other books.  RAW was extremely useful for that.  The Cosmic Trigger books had lots of quotes and therefor lots of people for me to get into and find through reading his books. 
 I also got a LOT of my knowledge from newsletters, mailing lists and underground magazines (zines). I got most of them at Reptilian records owned by Chris X.  Then I would find other ones in the ads in the back of the ones I had bought.  I also went to every estate sale I could find of Freemasons. They always had amazing libraries.  The best score though were their personal journals that were bound like books.  They laid out their path and what they were reading and connections and observations they made in these journals.  They were VERY hard to find though because on the inside it says to return to the lodge if found or at the time of death.  SO you would have to find an estate sale where the family had no idea what was going on or what to do or there were no family left.

Gaining knowledge and THE PATH and THE GREAT WORK were exactly that... work... a path. You would meet awesome, brilliant, eccentric, cool people along the way.  It was like a journey.  It took effort, time and dedication. It was difficult. 
Imagine spending all this time (sometimes years) looking far and wide for a certain author or a particular book and then finally getting it (and spending a METRIC SHIT TON of money on it sometimes) and it sucking.  It was like an adventure.  Driving to another state to go to some crazy bookstore... talking to some way out there guy in Europe somewhere on the phone about his collection and trying to haggle with him to sell and mail to you one of his books from his personal library that has been out of print for a hundred years... belonging to groups that would have meetings that really felt secret, like you were getting hidden knowledge.
The internet has taken that whole experience away. There were no Youtube videos to tie things up and present them in an entertaining passive multi-media way.  You had to read.. and read and read.  Sometimes you could get a hold of tapes (yes cassette tapes) of lectures or videos (VHS) of them but they were EXTREMELY hard to come by and you had to know someone who knew someone who knew someone who had a copy.   And they were just that, lectures.  Not exciting videos with dramatic bombastic, emotional music and effects and sound bites and snippets.
Trial and error became much less painful as one could just click another link after reading a few lines, taking a quick look and judging based off of a persons entire body of work. It's made the esoteric and occult ( by definition) accessible and available to anyone who can do a google search and put minimal effort into it. There were no facebook groups or message boards where you could find like minded people to discuss what you were thinking and learning. You had to actually meet real people and talk to them on the phone or meet in person and finding such people was like finding the holy grail.  I don't know if the internet makes it better or worse to tell you the truth. It has its upsides and down sides.
Upsides being that this knowledge is no longer hoarded and squandered and hidden away.  Anyone who seeks it out can have access.  Its free. There aren't a select few chosen people in control of the flow of information who get to judge who is worthy and who isn't of obtaining such knowledge.

The downside though is of course exactly the same.  The Great Work can now instead be The Great Hobby. All this information is no longer hidden.  Its no longer hard to find.  It doesn't take any real effort anymore therefore people take it for granted and don't value the magnitude, value and power of what they are learning.  Its no longer treated as sacred.  Anyone can find it without having to show how truly bad they want it.
So there's my rant about the good old days when the esoteric was actually hidden and how I had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes and you ungrateful kids have no idea how good you have it.

One of my favorite stories from RAW was the monk who took his students down to the riverside to meet the sacred chao (cow).  Then the student got there he asked the chao what THE answer was.  The Sacred Chao slowly lifted his head, looked at the students, and the Chao said Mu (moo).

Chao means chaos and Mu means Nonexistence; nonbeing; not having; a lack of, without. [2] A negative. [3] Caused to be nonexistent. [4] Impossible; lacking reason or cause. [5] Pure human awareness, prior to experience or knowledge, in Chinese.