Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The US government are the real terrorists.

I am in a constant state of disgust when it comes to people who support Mitt Romney and Obama.  They both have the same opinions on damn near everything. When it comes to civil rights and the constitution there's no way to tell them apart.  As a matter of fact Romney said Obama has been WEAK on all this. How much more tyrannical bullshit has he envisioned?!  This administration in particular infuriates me because Obama campaigned and ran his mouth against the Patriot act and other such legislation. He actually called wiretapping and what not under the patriot act an "affront to the Constitution"... then proceeded to make the damn thing permanent, pass the NDAA with indefinite detention and drone half the middle east to death, not close Guantanamo, shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights even further himself, ... blah blah blah need I continue.

I'll say it in plain English. There is NEVER a reason or need to give away any of your rights in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, to receive one ounce of (perceived) safety.  It doesn't work anyway.  How badly have we let our rights be trampled on and for what?  Have we caught one "terrorist"?  Have we stopped one attack that the FBI didn't set up and entrap someone into to justify their own existence and astronomical budget?  Are we truly any safer?  The constitution was written to protect us from the government, not the other way around. There's a reason the powers that be want it destroyed and it has NOTHING to do with terrorism.  OUR GOVERNMENT are the terrorists.  We fly drones over the middle east killing, wounding, scaring, and TERRORIZING people every day.  Let's just say I believed for one second that the "terrorists" attack us and hate us for our freedom... let's for the sake of argument say that is true.  Well then I would have to say they must not hate us anymore because we took care of our freedoms for them.  I must say however that the people who attack us in the middle east attack us in the middle east, their countries, because WE are over there terrorizing and killing their families.  It's called blowback.  We create terrorists with every father we kill, every child we maim, every mother or sister our soldiers rape or disrespect.  Put yourself in their shoes.  Wouldn't you do the same? 

So THIS my friends are the policies that both parties and both mainstream candidates support.  Policies that make us less free, make more terrorists, and smash our rights. So for those of you voting for wedge issues like abortion, gay rights, and other such trivial when put in perspective things, ask yourself this... If you don't have basic civil, human rights, then will any of those other things really matter?  If we get sucked into another unnecessary, unconstitutional, undeclared, unjustified war, and we either go bankrupt (as if we weren't already) or it escalates to WW3 with nukes and drones pointed at OUR civilians are involved, are these trivial matters going to really matter?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rape the rapists

I would love to be employed as a rapist raper. I think when you get convicted of rape you should have to be raped right in the anus by a twisted, fucked up in the head rape victim daily as part of your sentence. That and castration. I think it would be great treatment for the PTSD ladies like me have to endure as well. It'd be better than any therapy out there.  Take your power back... physically. I would gladly wield a massive strap and bend over a few rapists and make them squeal like the pigs they are. I would bottle their tears as well and use them for cologne. I'd make them suck it after I was done too. Shove it right down their throat! Ohh man. That was rough. Did I just type that out loud? Yes, yes I did.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nothing and Everything

You don't have to become or perfect or improve or create or make yourself into or work on anything.  You just need to come to the truth... the only truth there ever is or ever was or ever will be; You are not your body.  You are not your mind.   All of this is just a mixing of elements, an alchemical dance. There is true freedom in this realization.  Life is nothing but a grand chessboard, an entertaining game, a great play, a grand illusion.  You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are nothing but perception of consciousness. You interpret this as the self, the "I am", the soul. Wisdom is experienced through knowing you are nothing... you KNOW nothing.  Love is experienced when you realize and begin to see that you ARE everything. and in between those two my life moves.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Use the non-aggression principle in debate.

How can we expect people to live by the non-aggression principle if we don't?  Have you ever been converted to a way of thinking by being talked down to?

Being aggressive and talking down to people gets you no converts.  Being condescending towards people does not wake them up.  It makes them defensive and doesn't represent your ideas as ideas that are positive.  You want people to think your ideas are beneficial to ones life and create a sense of peace and understanding.  The best way to convert people to your ideas is to lead by example. You need to live by and debate with your principles.  If they see you living a happy, carefree, peaceful life that will make them wonder what your outlook is on life and you'll have an opportunity to tell them. If that example is an angry, mean aggressive one people will not want to start thinking and living like you. No one sees a frothing at the mouth person yelling obscenities and oozing a lack of piece of mind and thinks to themselves "Gee, I wonder how I too can become such a raving lunatic and make everyone around me feel they need to wear a bullet proof vest to protect them from my words." You end up coming off the way some Christians do when they preach one thing and live another way. If you're trying to get people to live by the non-aggression principle you should probably start by not being aggressive and calling people stupid, brainwashed, zombie sheeple... just saying.

Friday, August 17, 2012

It's time to pivot.

It's time to pivot and not stay butthurt guys! Paul isn't going to get the nomination. I'm not saying don't still fight at the convention. Get the message out there. Show we aren't to be ignored or played with. Show we're here to stay and still kicking. Stay in the fight, but accept it's time to change strategies for liberty. 

It's time for the Revolution to whip out it's Johnson. I bet Paul
would even endorse him once it's over for him. We need to take all our resources and get Gary into the debates. He's actually on the ballot in all 50 states which is damn near impossible. Writing Paul's name in, especially when he obviously doesn't even want to win is stupid. You might as well just not vote. I think with all the disaffected D's and R's running around we could get a ton of them to vote for Johnson if we put the same effort into him that we did into Paul. We need to use all we learned running Paul's campaign for him and all our connections to get this done. If Gary polls at 15% they have to let him debate. We can do this! I think once people see him debate that will wake some people up. Unlike Paul, Gary is witty and quick and a great communicator. Getting him in the debate would shake things up. His campaign videos are great. I may not agree with him as much as I did Paul, but he's leaps and bounds better than Humpty and Dumpty.

So wipe your tears, swallow your pride, take an aspirin for the butthurt and grow up and lets do this!
We have had our boots on the ground, in the roots of the grass... let's not let it go to waste. Be proud of the grass stains on your boots and polish them up, stay in the weeds and lets keep going towards the goal... liberty. It was never about Paul. It was about US and what Paul stood for. Let's not throw this momentum away because we're throwing a temper tantrum. We have to adapt and move on.

Line in the sand

Nothing left to lose
I am detached from need for gain
Something’s coming loose
It’s been impacted by the pain

Extract it in my name ( I said)
Release all sense of fear
Exactly when is your enough?
Line in the sand is here.

Not near, it’s breathing down your neck
It’s not some distant if
There's something in the air these days
Something's about to shift

 Sacrifice is sacred
I do not take this light
I can not bow out gently
I will not waste my life.